Amb. Suzan Johnson Cook

Charisma Speakers

Susan Johnson Cook

Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook was the first African-American female  and faith leader to hold the position of the U.S. Ambassador At-Large for International Religious Freedom.

Responsible for religious freedom globally, and having all 199 countries in her portfolio, she integrated religious freedom into the foreign policy and national security discussions, and has continued to work to empower women and business  leaders around the world. She served as the Faith Advisor to two U.S. Presidents, three Cabinet members, political and celebrity leaders. President Bill Clinton appointed her as the only faith advisor to the historic “President’s Initiative on Race.” She became famous for the standing room only Lunch Hour of Power, and Wonderful Wall Street Wednesdays, televised mid week services and seminars for the business community.  The New York Times described her as “Oprah and Billy Graham rolled up into one.”