
Media Mentions

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  1. Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit: Advocates Spotlight Growing Global Tensions

    Religion Unplugged — On the night of June 18, 1983, 10 women, from a 58-year-old mother to a 17-year-old student, were hanged in Adel Abad Prison in Iran on charges that they belonged to the Baha’i faith. Even though the Ukrainian Orthodox Church tries to stay independent of Russian officials, agents have dressed in priestly robes to get information. While Muslim athletes from other countries can wear hijabs during the upcoming Paris Olympics, athletes from France are banned from donning the head coverings. These were just a few of the stark examples of religious intolerance that were discussed at the fourth annual Religious Liberty Summit at the University of Notre Dame from July 9-11.

  2. Professor Tom Berg Honored With Notre Dame Religious Liberty Initiative Scholarship Award

    University of St. Thomas — Law Professor Thomas Berg is the recipient of the 2024 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Initiative Scholarship Award. The award is given annually to a legal scholar for their accomplishments in law and religion and for contributions to protecting the freedom of religion or belief through law. Berg was honored on July 10 at the Notre Dame Law School Religious Liberty Initiative’s fourth annual Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit.

  3. Religious liberty defenders gather at Notre Dame for 2024 summit

    The Indiana Lawyer — Experts and leaders in defending religious liberty gathered at the University of Notre Dame July 9-11 for the 2024 Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit. The event is put on by the Notre Dame Law School’s Religious Liberty Initiative and focuses on discussions surrounding the free exercise of religion across the United States and beyond. The theme for this year’s summit was Depolarizing Religious Liberty.