Loving v. Morton (2nd Cir.)

Religious Rights Of Prisoners

The brief argues that the Second Circuit should re-examine its precedent to allow for monetary damages for individual-capacity suits under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). In Loving, plaintiff Franklin Loving, a devout Muslim, had his religious rights stripped away by New York state officials when he was subjected on multiple occasions to medical examinations that violated his physical privacy while being held in a New York correctional facility.

Case Documents

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Meet the Team

  1. Religious Rights Of Prisoners

    Stephanie Barclay

    Faculty Director, Religious Liberty Initiative
    Professor of Law

  2. Religious Rights Of Prisoners

    Francesca Genova Matozzo

    Legal Fellow, Religious Liberty Clinic

  3. Joseph Graziano

    Joseph Graziano

    2021-22 Student Fellow
    2022-23 Student Fellow

  4. Katie Alexander

    Katie Alexander

    2022-23 Student Fellow