Faith Bible Chapel v. Gregory Tucker (U.S.)

Faith Christian Academy

The brief seeks to ensure the continuing vitality of the constitutional protections afforded to religious organizations under the First Amendment’s “ministerial exception.” The ministerial exception protects religious organizations’ right to select leaders who will shape their religious mission free from government interference. The exception ensures that the government will not become entangled with and unjustly intrude into these important religious decisions.  

In particular, Tucker presents the question whether ministerial-exception defenses should be resolved early in litigation, like many other constitutional immunities. The clinic's brief emphasizes that the failure to do so would demand that religious organizations undergo lengthy and burdensome litigation, even in cases where the defense clearly applies. That, in turn, could threaten to effectively nullify these constitutional protections for many religious organizations which do not have the resources to devote to protracted litigation. 

Case Documents

Meet the Team

  1. Faith Christian Academy

    John Meiser

    Director, Religious Liberty Clinic
    Term Teaching Professor

  2. Faith Christian Academy

    Meredith Holland Kessler

    Staff Attorney, Religious Liberty Clinic

  3. Athanasius Sirilla

    Athanasius Sirilla

    2022-23 Student Fellow

  4. Joseph Graziano

    Joseph Graziano

    2021-22 Student Fellow
    2022-23 Student Fellow

  5. Peter Allevato

    Peter Allevato

    2021-22 Student Fellow
    2022-23 Student Fellow